Perkins safely moved 462 pre-cast concrete bridge segments from a pour yard in Coates, MN for a civil contractor company on their massive bridge project, the reconstruction of the I-35W / Crosstown Highway (MN 62) interchange. This was one of the busiest "spaghetti junctions" in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area during rush hour. Over its duration, Perkins delivered segments to six different bridges ranging in weight from 108,000 lbs to 146,000 lbs each with nominal dimensions of 45' - 0", 10' - 0", 8' - 6" (LWH). The project was handled using two specifically engineered Perkins perimeter frame transporters configured to nest the base of each segment inside the rails to prevent movement in any direction and to speed the securement process for each load. Protected by two sets of Perkins own pilot car escorts, each configuration made deliveries during daytime, nighttime, and weekend operations as was required to meet our client's schedule. Due to the magnitude of the overall construction activities and the weak bridges in the area that were unable to support our loaded weights, Perkins worked constantly with multiple cities, counties, patrol, and DOT officials to coordinate the ever-changing haul route and varying hours of operation.